Kyle Plant
Lucas: [00:00:00] Welcome to the Living for His Glory podcast. I'm your host, Lucas Barrett. As a college student studying pastoral ministry, spreading the word and making disciples of all nations is my ultimate mission. I have a deep but still expanding knowledge of scripture and understand overlooked perspectives and theologies that can provide deep meaning for your life.
Sometimes I talk about these scriptures and theologies on my own, but other times I interview some people from my vast network and discuss a topic they're passionate about and their own life experiences that may help you in your own spiritual journey. Whether you're a new Christian, a growing Christian, or someone who doesn't even believe in God, this podcast is for you.
Be sure to follow and subscribe to this podcast as we navigate what it means to live for His glory. Let's get started.
Welcome back to the Living For His Glory Podcast. ~I'm uh, ~We have our first guest in a while. I know when I did my previous stint ~back~ the back half of 2023 I didn't have a guest.
Well, I do now ~Uh, let's see. He's our, this,~ this is,~ uh,~ [00:01:00] my good friend Kyle Plant. Me and Kyle, we met,~ um, at the end of,~ at the end of 2023.
Kyle: Yeah.
Lucas: And we really got to know each other last spring. ~Uh, ~especially ~in, in Mar~ in February, March and April. ~Uh, ~we got really close. Our girlfriends are pretty close. ~Uh, ~I just gotta know Kyle, and ~he's,~ he was away last fall.
He went to MTSU. You traitor. But ~he's, ~he's made the right choice and he's coming back to Trevecca. And now I can,~ uh,~ it's good to see him every day now. And we get to do stuff like this. And so this is more than likely, not the only time I'm ever seeing him that we'll get to see him. ~Um, I mean, ~dude, our conversations are just intelligent.
~I mean, you know, ~we goof off, we have fun, I make jokes, whatever. But ~like, ~he's one of the most intelligent people I know. I'm really excited for what ~this, ~this conversation is going to bring. ~I mean, we, you know, we, ~we already know ~kind of what, you know, ~what we're going to discuss, but so many conversations can take so many amazing shapes and turns and it's just.
Amazing,~ uh,~ amazing thing. So that's really what I wanted to speak. ~Uh, ~this conversation between me and you.
Kyle: Yeah, sure, man. ~Yeah I'm, I'm happy. I'm not a stutter. Uh, ~I'm really happy to be here and ~uh, ~you know We've been talking about doing something like this for a little bit So i'm really [00:02:00] excited that we're finally able to do some of this especially in a setup like this
Lucas: Oh, I know dude like we have ~I mean, ~you have so much space here, and ~I, I mean, ~it was shocking, you ~never, ~never knew that, ~you know, ~a place like Benson could have so much space.
Kyle: Yeah,~ when,~ when you're by yourself, ~I mean. ~
Lucas: Yeah, for sure,~ it's, it's a, it's a, ~it's a nice point of not having a roommate,
Kyle: ~you know. Yeah. Yeah, uh, and that went, man, one of the things I like about this suite, which is why I'm really hoping that it works out for me financially is because literally each person, because we only got four people here, it's me, Luke, Mason, and uh, another guy named Rob, which he's a pretty cool book guy by the way, I think you all know him probably.~
~I mean I saw his room, he's got a nice setup. He's got a nice setup. But we all have our, we all have our own room. And if that's a really nice thing, because we're all, we're all good friends, we're all really close with each other, but we can all have each other, have our own space, you know what I mean?~
~Yeah, absolutely. And so that, that, that's something that, you know, we never had last year that we all wanted, so, um, really, really excited about that. Absolutely, man, I ~
Lucas: ~bet, I bet, dude. Um, ~so yeah, you want to go ahead and hop into it? ~Yeah, ~
Kyle: yeah, go ahead and hit me with whatever.
Lucas: ~So dude, we,~ so me and you,~ we,~ we briefly talked about, ~so you were, so~ you came to me,~ um,~ a little bit before the new year.
So this is what, this is probably December, I think it was the 27th. You called me, I remember I just got down,~ uh,~ to ~Haley's, ~Hailey's house. And you're like, Hey, I got this idea for your podcast. And I said, okay. Yeah. ~What, ~what you got? And so ~he, ~he really wanted to talk about, ~you know, ~we hear all about a lot about the New Year's resolution.
I'm sure many of you have wrote it down on your, ~you know, ~in a notes app on your whiteboard, on your door, ~where,~ wherever you have it, and you have, ~you know, ~these New Year Resolutions. But the thing is, and Kyle was like, ~well. ~A lot of people don't [00:03:00] really live up to those. You want to talk about that? ~Well ~now I mean we had a couple episodes already lined up We had to delay this a couple weeks plus, ~you know, ~this is our first week actually back able to do an in person interview Yeah, ~well ~now we're two weeks into it's January 13th ~You know, ~we're,~ uh, ~two weeks into this new year.
And,~ well,~ okay, now, at this point, resolutions have already been made, people have already tried to do them. But I think the average New Year's resolution holds up, what, two to three weeks? Yeah, those
Kyle: Most people at this point have already failed. ~Have already, ~have already failed. Now, it's one thing to fail. I'll go a step further and say most people at this point have already given up.
Lucas: Already given up.
Kyle: They've already given up.
Lucas: Yeah, mean, ~well ~that's what failure really is.
Kyle: Yeah.
Lucas: ~Right, ~you make a mistake, whatever
Kyle: it says in Proverbs,~ uh,~ a wise man, he'll fall, but he'll get back up again. But a fortunate man, he stumbles when the climate strikes again. So that exact same thing, you can fall, you can fail, but if you get back up and keep trying, it doesn't matter if you fail, if you get back up and keep trying, most people, as soon as they fail, they'll quit.
Lucas: Yeah, [00:04:00] and that's the ultimate failure.
Kyle: Exactly, that's the ultimate failure. So as soon as they At the first sign of struggle, at the first sign of hardship, like ~their, ~their motivation is completely depleted. Now it's all up to discipline and people don't, most people don't have the discipline to be able to keep going regardless of how they feel about it.
And so because of that, it's because of that. ~So, ~so many of these new year's resolutions and ~it all, ~it all centers around health, which people seem to care so much about until it actually comes time to actually take care of your health. Which, ~you know, ~I'm not speaking from a place of, ~you know, ~I'm Sam Sulek.
~I'm not, ~I'm not Hercules, ~you know, ~I got a little tub too, but I'm not going to go around giving out health advice, I'll focus on my own health. Just like how in an airline, ~when you're, ~when you're flying, have you ever flown before?
Lucas: Yeah.
Kyle: ~So, ~something they always tell you when you're flying is if the plane's going down and the masks fall from the ceiling, Get your own mask on first, then you can start helping other people.
Yeah, absolutely. Same thing with the same principle in the Bible. You got [00:05:00] to fix yourself first before you can help other people. ~You know, ~same exact thing. ~You know, ~you got to fix your own health first before you can start helping other people. So I'm not at a place where I can really lecture people on there.
Now that's just me saying ~like, ~that's just a big topic, but I can go and say that I do have. enough discipline to be able to go and tell people that, Hey, you need to focus up on this. You need to get your act together because motivation means nothing. Motivation really does mean nothing if you don't have the discipline to keep going.
Lucas: Yeah, absolutely, man. ~I mean, uh, ~you're touching on some really core,~ uh, you know, ~biblical truths there. ~Like, ~are you familiar with the Sermon on the Mount?
Kyle: Yes, I am.
Lucas: ~So, you know, ~the plank thing, remember? ~So, don't, you know, don't, don't look for,~ don't try to pick out the speck and someone's out. You got to plank in your own.
Kyle: Exactly.
Lucas: ~And that, ~that kind of thing right there. And I also, I really love, ~you know, you,~ you were really honest about your credibility. Yeah. And so when you're honest about that, about your credibility, like that, you're like, Hey, I'm not really in a place where ~like, ~listen, if you want ~a six, ~a six pack, you [00:06:00] should probably not talk to me.
You should probably, ~there's probably, ~
Kyle: Thanks man
Lucas: probably more people in the world, better people in the world that you can listen to if you want a six pack. But you still have, ~like you, ~like you established that,~ like,~ Hey, I may not be the best,~ like, you know, ~It's a, hey, I'm not going to tell you to do something I can't, or I haven't done.
You can't. ~Right. ~You can do a lot of things.
Kyle: You can do anything you put your mind to, it's just a matter of putting your mind to it.
Lucas: Yeah, absolutely. ~I've,~ about a month ago, I started a cut with my dad.
Kyle: Yeah.
Lucas: So ~we,~ we did this thing called a bod pod. They have one at Vanderbilt. I live in Lexington. ~Um, ~So we did ours in Kentucky, I'm sure they have it, one of the big schools, Vanderbilt's just the one around here.
So what we did was they, ~you know, ~weighed us on a scale, they weighed us on a more precise scale. ~You know, ~we're down in our freaking underwear, me and my dad. Nice. Yeah,~ great,~ great thoughts on bonding the way. Yeah. ~Um, ~And then they stuck us in this pod. And so we just sit there and pod scans us. It scans us again.
And what it did was it captured a bunch of stuff body fat percentage. It captured, ~you know, bo, you know, ~volume. It captured ~how, ~[00:07:00] how many pounds you were in, just fat, how many pounds you were. With just, ~you know, ~body mass, no fat involved,~ uh,~ just all these bunch of different stats. And so ~we,~ me and my dad are doing a competition, ~you know, ~see, and, ~you know, ~by quarter going through the whole year and, ~you know, ~by quarter, ~you know, ~right now this first quarter, it's,~ uh,~ who can lose the most, just straight up body fat, like not percentage, just who can lose the most body fat, just weight pounds.
~Um, ~I weigh a lot more than him. I think I got advantage. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, like that kind of,~ uh, this, ~this goal setting. ~It's a, ~it's a competition. That's another thing about resolution. ~You're on, you're on with the resolution, right? Well, most people, most people. Most people are, yeah. They say, well, so~ most people with a resolution, they're really thinking about,~ uh,~ okay, I'm going to do this.
~I'm going to do this. ~I'm going to write this down. It's very selfish.
Kyle: Yeah, it is. It can be very selfish if you're only doing it,
~well, ~
I'm going to have to, I'm going to have to hear it out on that one.
Lucas: Here's the point I'm making.
Kyle: Okay, let's hear it.
Lucas: Most people are not strong enough to hold themselves accountable.
Kyle: No.
Lucas: No. ~This is a, ~this is a biblical truth itself. It's a spiritual truth. Yeah. If I'm trying to change something about my spirituality, [00:08:00] About ~whatever ~whatever sin that I'm having if I have everyone has I call it a lethal sin, right? ~That that ~that sin that like you just want to give
Kyle: you every single time
Lucas: you just go and deal with it Yeah, you're gonna deal with it for the rest of your life ~I mean, well, ~you're probably gonna struggle with it the rest of your life Not that you're gonna do the rest of your life.
It's just gonna ~kind of ~keep rearing its head Yeah, ~those ~those sins ~like you're not going like~ you can't defeat that by yourself.
Kyle: No,
Lucas: we need what?
Kyle: Team,
Lucas: we need,~ well,~
Kyle: we need accountability.
Lucas: ~Well, ~we need Jesus. Yeah. First.
Kyle: So accountability is a good thing.
Lucas: Accountability is a great thing. So we,~ but,~ but my point was ~like, we need,~ we know we need Jesus, we need that His, yeah.
His grace, his mercy, and his help, ~right. To his,~ our reliance on God ~to, ~to defeat these things. But then also, yes, personal accountability. Like me and you, we've talked about a lot of stuff. ~You know, ~we've talked about, ~you know, ~our own demons. We've talked about our own struggles, right? And the thing is ~like, hey.~
~You know, ~if I'm struggling with something, I know I can call Kyle. ~Like, ~Kyle is going to have my back if I'm struggling with something. And I hope you feel the same way about me.
Kyle: Oh, I absolutely do.
Lucas: Yeah. ~So, like, it's, it's a, uh,~ that level of accountability. ~Like, ~your resolution, if you want, ~you know, ~we can call it a [00:09:00] resolution.
I know last week I called it an identity. What's your new identity? If you need help with that resolution or that new identity,~ Well,~ that's good. You need that help. If you're going to make such a significant change in yourself, you're going to need that help. You're trying to go to the gym. That's probably the number one resolution every single year.
Kyle: Yeah.
Lucas: You're going to need a gym bro, or a gym sis, whatever. ~You know, ~a gym partner, whoever you're going to go work out with.
~Right, ~
~right. ~That level of accountability, you get somebody else on the same page as you and it's ~like, ~hey, if I have a weakness, because I'm going to have my weaknesses, man. ~Like, ~let's say me and you weren't gym goers, we are, but if we weren't and we want to start this year, it's ~like, ~okay, me and you, we're going to start together.
~Right. ~I'm going to have my days of weakness. I'm going to have a day where I don't want to go to the gym. I'm going to have, I'm going to look at my phone, I'm going to see leg day and go, ~uh ~oh. The thing is, it's ironic because I love leg day. But , legs feed the ~Lex Lex feed the animal or the, what is the, what is that phrase?~
It's legs feed the beast. Legs feed the beast.
Kyle: I never heard of that.
Lucas: Oh, no. That's what ~my, uh,~ my teammate Alex says.
Kyle: Oh,~ my, my,~ my big thing, especially back in football, was that every day is like [00:10:00] day,
Lucas: every day's leg day.
Kyle: Good. Every day. Every day is day's
Lucas: like that. His legs where the power comes from.
Kyle: Yeah, exactly.
Lucas: The point I'm making is ~like. ~Hey,~ I'm,~ I'm going to have those days of weakness. And the thing is, the chances ~of us, ~of us having matching weakness days ~are very, ~are very little. So you'd be like, no, you're going to the gym and vice versa. And it's that level of accountability. And ~you know, ~a lot of people shy away from the kind of duty that ~I found, ~I found just from being around, ~you know, ~sports my whole life.
And, ~you know, ~when it comes time for accountability, people get scared. And I've gotten scared of it too. Like I've got scared of calling people out sometimes or. I think calling them up because I'm trying to call them up ~to a certain ~to a certain level. I'm trying to make them better. Call them up ~And it's very,~ but it is a very awkward, it can be an awkward conversation because you don't want to make somebody mad, ~you know, ~right?
You don't want to offend. ~Well, ~not you because most people.
Kyle: I don't worry about offending people. I say what I say to be offended just like me.
Lucas: Yes, he does. Part of why I love him. But ~like, you know, ~most people. They don't want to offend somebody. They don't want [00:11:00] to lose a friend. They don't want to run that risk.
And ~that's, that's a, ~that's a place I think ~where, where, where, ~where Satan can really go into a crack or Satan can really tear people apart from. who God is trying to make them to be. ~We have, ~we have friends and brothers and family and close people for a reason. It's not just for comfort, because ~I mean, ~sure,~ like, I've come, you know, ~we're here for comfort as well, right?
We're here to be here for each other. ~You know, ~be a shoulder to lean on if we need it. But also it's ~like, ~Hey, I'm going to help you rise up and be, meet that standard that we're supposed to meet.
Kyle: I'm going to go ahead and bank on top of that. I'll go even as far as say ~that,~ that comfort, especially when we seek it out, when we indulge in it can be our greatest assured comfort can destroy you.
Why here's the biggest thing. I used to struggle with. Back when I still made New Year's resolutions, and I'll get into more of that later, [00:12:00] but back when I used to make New Year's resolutions, and I'm sure everybody feels the same exact way that after a certain point, it's ~like, you know, ~I feel pretty good right now.
I think I'll just have a day off. Or, no, you know what? This has been pretty comforting. I don't want to get up. You know what? I did my push ups yesterday. I'm feeling, ~you know, ~pretty big today. I'm just going to go ahead and not do it today. You know what? I'm good enough as I am. I don't really need to improve anything.
I think I'll just go ahead and keep doing what I'm doing. And that's where it gets you. I think ~that, ~that right there,~ that,~ that one final lie of ~you're good. You're, ~you're perfect as you are. You're amazing as you are. ~There's~ nothing is better than what you are now. ~You see, ~you see this with a lot of people all the time.
You're perfect. You're so amazing. I wish I was you. Check the comment section ~of any,~ of any influencer posts. Yep. It's like, Oh my [00:13:00] gosh, But where does the growth come from in that we're so focused on trying to make everybody feel good and trying to make ourselves feel good that we stay stagnant. And that's not a good thing, especially with where we are ~in our, ~in our youth.
We cannot stay stagnant. We have to realize that ~we are, ~we got a lot of work that we gotta do. , we got lot work,
Lucas: we got some things,
Kyle: ~and we, ~and we can, ~you know, ~walk out to the world and pound our chest and say, look at me. ~I'm, ~I'm this ~here, ~here I am. I'm gonna make it happen. But that doesn't mean that we're perfect.
That doesn't mean that we got no work
to do.
Lucas: ~It's a, it's a, it. ~It's a confidence ~that I can, ~that I can do this, or ~I can, ~I can do whatever I want to do, whatever I put my mind to, but it's a humility of ~like, ~okay, I still, I got a lot of work to do. I've got a lot of room to grow, but I can do this. Exactly.
Kyle: And so with that comes, ~you know, this, ~this podcast about,~ um, you know, ~this podcast, you were caring to me, you're teaching men how to be better men, correct?
Yeah. Teaching men how to be better men. [00:14:00] Exactly. And so I'll go as far as this. You cannot be a respectable man if you do not hold true to your word, and it starts in here, and it starts in here. If you say that you're going to do something, you have to hold true. If you say, I'm going to be going to the gym every day, go to the gym every day.
If you say, I'm going to be eating ~right, ~eat right. Because other people are going to see that. And if you're telling everyone that I'm going to do this and you never do it, they can't then rely on you to say for you to do what you say you're going to do. They can't go to you if they need help. They can't go to you if they need you to do something.
They can't rely on you because when you had the chance to prove yourself to be a reliable person, you failed. Why? Because you chose comfort. You chose comfort and compliance over bettering yourself. So some of that,~ um,~ did before I started working with this [00:15:00] moving company,~ uh,~ Back in May, I did this for a straight up year.
I held myself to 500 pushups every single day,
Lucas: 500,
Kyle: 500
Lucas: every day.
Kyle: I wouldn't go to sleep before I finished my 500 and there'd be nights where ~like, ~I'd be cranking out 300 before I go to bed. And I had a rule for myself and I had to hold myself to it. Cause I knew ~like, ~if. If I don't hold myself to this rule, then nothing that I say matters.
Nothing that I say will ever have any effect on anybody else because no one's going to listen to me. Because no one's going to take seriously what I have to say because they can't rely on me. If I cannot rely on myself, no one's going to rely on me. And so a rule that I had for myself when I was doing my pushups was if I drop before ~I,~ I hit my mark, ~let's,~ cause ~I would do,~ I would start off with doing 75 at a time, then maybe after a certain point, 50, then dropping it down to 25.
And I was doing increments like that. And I would tell myself if I dropped ~before I, ~before I hit the mark, what, however many I had left, [00:16:00] I double it. Each one pushup only counts as half. It's like if my goal is 50 pushups and I drop at say,~ um,~ 35, I've got 30 pushups now until I get 50 instead of 15. And I remember I did that one time and it was one time I was, I dropped and I was like, wow, now I've got to do 15.
Now I've got to do 30 more pushups just for 15. And I remember,~ like,~ I was, my whole chest was blown out. I was like, this sucks. I'm never,~ I,~ I gotta,
Lucas: You're never going to fall again.
Kyle: I'm never going to fall again. No. And ~so, I mean, ~I would pause at the top for a little break, then I'd keep going.
Lucas: Yeah. I mean, you're human.
Kyle: Yeah. That's okay. Yeah. ~Um, ~I made a reference to this verse,~ uh,~ it was Proverbs 24, 16. ~Mm hmm. Um, ~whether the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the foolish stumble will come and destroy us.
~Mm hmm. ~
It's human to suffer. ~It's, we,~ we cannot avoid suffering. ~No.~ We cannot avoid falling. We're all going to fail at some point.
Lucas: And the greatest suffering is the greatest [00:17:00] success.
Kyle: Exactly. And, suffering is inevitable. You can either charge through it head on and come out the other end saying look what I went through, look what I did,~ look how I made better,~ look the lessons I've learned, I'm a better person because of it. Or, you can run away from the suffering and eventually it will catch up to you and it's going to ruin you.
See, the difference between a bull and a water buffalo. See, a water buffalo, when they see a storm coming, they will charge straight into the storm. And they will pass through and they will keep going until they get on the other side of the storm. See, the storm is moving this way. ~Bulls moving, sorry,~ the water buffalo is moving this way.
They're going to pass through the storm much quicker. It's going to be intense for them, but they're going to pass through much quicker. And on the other side, guess what lies ahead? ~Green, green,~ nice, fresh, green pasture.
Lucas: Yeah,~ sunny,~ sunny days.
Kyle: Exactly. Now a bull, on the other hand, when they see a storm coming, they will run away from the storm.
And eventually the storm is going to catch up to them. And when [00:18:00] the storm catches up to them, they're now running in the same direction as the storm. The suffering is prolonged. And by the time they finally get out of the storm, there's not really much left for them.
~And ~
~so~ the same thing applies in our lives.
Suffering is inevitable. The storm's coming. There's nothing we can do about that. We can either charge at it head on, and knowing what lies ahead, Or we can run away from it and allow it, ~or allow it~ to catch up to us eventually.
Lucas: ~Yeah, my question,~ so my question is ~like, ~so we have that analogy, we have that,~ uh, like ~okay, so we're gonna, so we're gonna charge at our problems, we're gonna charge our obstacles.
~How do you, ~how do you deal with that? Like, how do you do that? ~Like, or, the lack of determina ~you ever feel lack of determination? Like about your goals or you just, I'm like, I'm going to get this. ~I guess, ~or ~do you, ~do you ever have 500 pushups in a day? Let's go back to that. Okay. 500 pushups in a day.
That's a lot of pushups. I've heard about a hundred pushups in a day. I've done that before. ~I, ~I did, I remember I did a hundred pushups a day for about. I said I was going to do it for two weeks. I did it for two weeks. Yeah. ~Um, ~that was a lot. A hundred pushups is already a lot. ~I mean, you know, ~you say 500.
I don't,
Kyle: ~you know, well, ~I didn't [00:19:00] start at 500. I didn't start at 500. ~I started, ~I started at 100. Okay. ~Like, well, ~no, before that, it started off with ~like ~25 pushups before I got up, before I left my room and then from there it turned into 50 pushups. And it was like, you know what? I'm gonna go ahead and do.
50 push ups when I wake up 50 push ups before I go to bed. That's a hundred push ups a day.
Lucas: Yeah.
Kyle: Cool. So then it was like, you know what? I can probably do more. I'm doing a hundred push ups. I can do more. I know that I can do more. And so from there, it was like, you know what, I'm going to see if I can do a hundred push ups every morning, a hundred push ups every night.
Then I started doing that for a little bit too. That's 200 a day. And then from there, it's gradually, ~you know, ~what? Let's see if I can do 500.
And there was a day, I remember a day, ~where I was,~ I think it was a weekend, I was just, I was home from school, I had nothing to do that day. I was like, I'm just gonna spend all day today doing 500 pushups.
And so I did the 500,~ I,~ I broke it up into increments, cause you can't do 500.
Lucas: You ain't never gonna do 500 in a row, Mr. Goggins.
Kyle: ~Uh, Uh, ~[00:20:00] But yeah, so I did 500 a day in that day. And I was like, this feels good, but it also hurts because I woke up the next day and I was like, I can't even move anything. ~Um, ~but then ~after I,~ after, ~you know, ~my soreness went away, I was like, I'm going to do it again.
That was a good feeling. 500 pushups, who does 500 pushups? Yeah. I was like, ~you know, ~I'm going to, I'm going to do that again. And so I did it again, a few days of hurting. I was like, I ~kind of ~want to do it again. You get, then a few more days of hurting. And then it gradually, ~you know, ~from a week to a few days.
just a few days to ~like ~one day. And then that eventually snowballed into, I was doing 500 pushups every day. And that was during the summer where ~like, I, ~I just moved here to Tennessee. I didn't know anybody. I didn't have a job. They didn't have a car. I was like, you know what? ~I'm, I,~ if I allow myself to rot.
~Well, you know, ~my sisters are at school they're off doing sports practice my mom's, she's an elementary school teacher my mom's out getting her classroom prepared for this school year. My dad's working, my [00:21:00] grandma's in her room doi ~Like ~if I allow myself to rot here, I'm going to hate myself. I'm going to regret myself. And ~I, ~I know myself better than to allow myself to do that. And ~I, ~I can have a respect, even if it's not for myself, but for what other people have done for me, for what other people have poured in my life, not only that, but for who God has made me to be.
I cannot allow myself to sit here and rot away. And so I dedicated that whole summer, 500 pushups every single day. I would not allow myself to go to bed until my 500 pushups were done. Cause another rule that I set for myself was if I didn't do my 500 pushups that day, whatever was left, rolled into the next day.
Don't. So if I missed out, if I only did 400 pushups, That's now six in, ~you know, ~that's 100 push ups left. That's now an extra 200 that I have to do the next day. And I did that one time. And I hated it. 700 push ups. But then, I remember one day, I was like, ~you know, ~I really am [00:22:00] not doing anything. 500 push ups now.
I've been doing it for every day for about a month. Let's see if I can hit 1, 000.
Lucas: In a day.
Kyle: In a day.
Lucas: Did you do it?
Kyle: I did.
Lucas: That's How do you feel the next day? I'm curious.
Kyle: Amazing. Amazing. ~I mean, ~I was a little bit more sore than I usually was, but it was like, that kind of accomplishment.
Lucas: Yeah.
Kyle: It's, so then it was, I just kept going back to 500 pushes.
Five oh pushes, and then maybe once a week~ I would stick to,~ I would see you with that at a thousand. And so then it is more and more of doing that. ~Um, ~I came out the other end of that and I was like, you know what, this could have been the suckiest summer ever, because I was inside most of the summer. It was too hot to go outside.
I didn't know anybody. Like I said, there was nothing for me to do. ~I would, ~I would listen to podcasts. I would watch TV, I would play video games, and all the while I was doing push ups. ~Um, ~and I think that really helped me out because it built in that discipline, that [00:23:00] self discipline of, Okay, now I've proven to myself that if I'm going to do something, That's it.
I'm going to do. I'm going to stick to it to the end. Exactly. You got to become a man of your word. So that ties into what I was saying earlier. You got to become a man of your word. You need to, first off, prove to yourself that if you're going to say you're going to do something, you stick to it to the end and you see through it.
You see to it that it gets done. Not just done half done. I was about to say where I probably shouldn't say . ~Uh, ~I know he's a Christian podcast. Excuse me, ~, um, uh, ~half donkey. How about I say that? Yeah. Half donkey. You're gonna do something halfway? No. If you're gonna do something halfway, there's no point in doing it all.
If you're gonna do something without any kinda effort, there's no point in doing it all. 'cause you can't just do something to say you did it. You gotta do something and take pride in the fact that you did it to the best of your ability. This is what football taught me, is what my coach taught me. Don't ever do something and not try [00:24:00] because then there's no point in doing it at all.
Yes, because not because especially, ~you know, ~this with team sports, not if you don't try, if you don't give it your best 100 percent of the time, 100 percent of the way, you and me both know, and anyone else who plays sports, They know too that it doesn't just affect you, it affects everybody around you. If I don't do my job ~as, uh,~ as a left guard, because I was a tubbier guy back in high school, if I don't do my job as a left offensive guard, and the play is coming through my pocket, the running back's coming through my pocket, and I don't, and I don't get my nose, either if I'm going from the nose or if I'm going for the left tackle, if I don't get whoever it is out of the way.
It's my fault, then, that the play didn't pass even, it didn't even pass the line of scrimmage. ~Mm ~
~hmm. ~
Lucas: Yeah. ~So, ~
Kyle: and it's something my dad says all the time, No man is an island unto himself. Everybody relies on each other, and what you do affects everybody around you. Yes. And ~so, ~you have to first Prove to yourself that you are a man of your word by sticking through to what you say you're going [00:25:00] to do for yourself.
First, you got to put on the mask while you're in the airline before you can start helping other people. Once you've proven to yourself ~that when,~ that you stick to your word, that you're a man of your word, other people will see that. And when you start doing things for other people and start proving to them that you are a man of your word and you help them out and make them know that if you do something for them, you're going to see through it and see to it that it gets done the right way, they're going to then rely on you.
And then you can then rely on them. And ~so it's ~that all ties back into new year's resolutions. How so many people who can't rely on too many people these days because they're so fixated on I'm going to do this because it's the thing to do but now I'm comfortable and I don't want to do it anymore.
~Well ~you've just proven to the whole world that we can't rely on you for anything.
Lucas: Yes.
Kyle: And so that's why I don't make news resolutions because there's no point. There's no point in waiting for the calendar to turn [00:26:00] into a new year for you to actually start bettering so there's no point. And doing that, start proving to the world that you're a failure, essentially, because that's what most people do.
~If these whole,~ this whole new year's resolution thing, it proves the world of what a failure you are. So you, and I was, and I know that I was telling you about this earlier. ~Um, ~the week between Christmas and new year's is the most wasted week out of the entire year. Everybody is full of food from the previous day.
Everybody's sitting at home watching TV. Everybody's playing with their new Christmas toys, and they're just, they're, now ~I, ~I can understand that, but to allow yourself to rot for that week, it's ~like. ~If you want to be an exceptional person, you cannot allow yourself to waste that week.
Lucas: The calendar,~ like,~ if you're an exceptional person, if you're a high motor person, the calendar doesn't matter.
Kyle: The calendar doesn't matter. ~Like, ~
Lucas: ~you're still, like, you're still,~ now listen, man, I encourage people on holidays, like Christmas, come on. Yeah. ~Like, ~spend time with your family. Exactly, ~you know. ~Enjoy your time.
Kyle: But no, ~Vito ~Vito, yeah. From The [00:27:00] Godfather says, A real man isn't the man suspend silence fan.
Lucas: Yes.
And ~so, you know. Well, ~and even that, like ~you're, you're, ~you're not just, you're not riding,~ you're, you're, ~you're, you are, you're still doing a value. Family's a value. Yeah. Family. ~My,~ so my thing is like family ~is the second ~is the second pillar of life. The only thing that comes above family is faith.
So faith, family, fitness, and finance. It's not mine. I ~got it from, uh,~ got it from Rise Up Kings. Yeah. Talk a little bit about that. You talked about, and ~you talked, ~you talked about one of my favorite Rise Up Kings values earlier about how ~like, ~if I fail, people around me suffer. Exactly. If I fail, it's not me that suffers.
Kyle: Even if you can't respect yourself, have enough love and respect for everybody else to know that if I fail, it's going to affect everybody else. Yeah. ~You, ~
Lucas: ~you, you know, ~you know the Bengals and the Texans. Yeah, so ~the ~the thing about the Bengals for years has been their o line ~and that's ~and that's~ why Like they had that's why that's~ probably why they didn't win the super bowl in 2021.
Kyle: Yeah
Lucas: against the Rams
Kyle: Yeah,~ ~
Lucas: ~uh,~ I think ~this ~this year It's exactly why ~well ~I saw this thing with alex kappa one of the linemen about how like he got the triple crown and ~like, ~you know He's first and like sacks allowed and hurries allowed and whatever those other, you know He's the worst lineman in the nfl.
I mean texans. I saw this thing this morning about ~like, you know, ~someone made this Post [00:28:00] about ~Uh, ~why each team will not win the Super Bowl. The Texas, poor O line. I'm like, the O line is one of the most unglorified positions in football. I'm sure you know.
Kyle: I know firsthand.
Lucas: You know firsthand.
Kyle: I was in the trenches, man.
Lucas: But like you were saying, if I can't do this. ~Yeah.~ Guess what? QB gets sacked. RB gets, ~you know, ~lost for yards. Sets our team back a lot.
Kyle: Everybody hates on the O line. And everybody thinks that the O line isn't nothing. Yeah. But you can't have the O line. You can't run any place without the O line. And,
Lucas: or, what's worse, your QB could've been hurt.
~Is that From there, it's not,~ from there, it's not just, ~you know, ~that one play. It's at least the rest of that game, probably the next few weeks, maybe the whole season, if it got hit hard enough. Yeah. ~Like, ~you don't,~ like,~ it completely falls around you. ~So, ~I have When I was at Rise of Kings, ~there was, uh, I got,~ I was,~ um,~ Singled out, or ~I was, ~I was like chosen.
Chosen is a better word. I was chosen for this demonstration. And what this guy did, so we had, we were doing sandbag drills. We had these sandbags. Yeah. And so I had my own personal sandbag I was craddling. ~About,~ each sandbag was about 30 [00:29:00] pounds. ~Um, ~and so he's like, alright, this sandbag is yours. ~This is your, this is your own,~ this is your own stuff right here.
This is your own things, responsibilities that you gotta worry about. And that's how the body goes. Luke, do you have,~ uh,~ a wife? I said, no sir. He said, do you have a girlfriend? I said, no sir. At the time, I wasn't dating Hailey yet. ~Right. Uh, ~he goes, okay. So then, ~you know, ~I had a lot of options. He goes, do you have a dog?
I said, yes. And to this day, I thank God I didn't say I had two of them. Because he goes, all right. Luke, grab something else to sandbag. He ~puts it, ~puts it on me. Feed me, right? To talk less of, ~you know, ~my dog. And then, ~you know, ~hey, Luke, I need to go for a walk. And he's listing these things. He's putting sandbags on me.
And then he goes to, ~you know, ~my family, right? ~You know, ~my mom was like, oh, ~you know, ~he goes, ~you know, ~mom needs you to run an errand, ~you know, ~dad needs you to take little sister to school, ~you know, ~all these different things. All of a sudden I've got nine sandbags. I'm in my, cradling in my arms. About 270 pounds.
And I'm like, I don't know, I'm thinking to myself, I'm groaning a little bit. I'm like, ~I don't know if I can, I can't,~ I don't know if I can take another sandbag. 300 pounds in my arms, man. That would have been [00:30:00] nuts. ~You know, ~thank God he didn't put it in the tenth. But, I'm holding these and he's yelling to the other guys that are doing this with me.
About,~ uh, you know, ~the point and the point is ~like, ~hey, ~you know, you know, ~dogs are going to need to be taken care of, ~you know, ~you can want to do favors ~for your, ~for your parents ~and you, ~and you should, but the thing is like with us guys ~and, you know, just us guys, you know, we're supposed to, we're supposed to,~ we're supposed to lead our family when we have it, ~right.~
It's supposed to, ~you know, ~lead our family, lead our wives, children, whatever ~it's supposed to,~ it's supposed to provide. If we can't do that, that the sandbags didn't carry you the way. The sandbag doesn't just get dropped, but when we can't carry our full sandbag, if even if we carry, let's say we carry ~like ~20 out of the, 30 pounds,~ well,~ that's 10 more pounds.
You're adding to ~your, you know, ~your girlfriend now, or, ~you know, ~future wife, future kids, ~you know, ~friends, your family, parents, maybe you're adding all this extra baggage to their lives because you didn't do what you were supposed to do. ~Like, ~if we can't do what we're supposed to do, if we can't stick to those new resolutions, those New Year's resolutions, Eh, ~you know, ~you can make up a resolution any time of the year.[00:31:00]
You ain't gotta make it, hey, it's not just a one time, you ain't just gonna make it January 1st.
Kyle: Yeah.
Lucas: It's just the day that we decide, alright, New Year, New Me. I'm like, man, you can change who you are at any moment of time. It could be June, it could be September, it could be March. You can change at any moment.
Kyle: And if you really cared about what you were saying, you wouldn't wait for the calendar year to change. You can get started today.
Lucas: Yeah, it's called conviction. It's called conviction. It's called being tired. It's called being tired of your own stuff. It's called being tired of sitting in your own crap.
Kyle: And because of that the new years resolutions That's the lazy man's way of coping.
That's the lazy man's saying. Okay,~ well,~ I'm going to do it because everybody else is doing it, but
Lucas: it's ~like, ~I know
Kyle: the road and they no longer have that exactly what I was talking about earlier motivation. Yes, because motivation ain't nothing if you don't get the [00:32:00] discipline for it. Yeah, motivation is appealing.
It's the ice on the cake. They can get the ball rolling, but discipline is what's going to keep the momentum going. It's like a snowball. It's like exactly what we were talking about with pushups. ~You know, ~a hundred, five hundred push ups for someone who doesn't do any in a day seems like a lot.
Lucas: Yeah, ~well ~it is a lot.
I'm not doing five hundred push ups a day. I know that. ~I mean, ~I rolled out of bed. No, I still rolled out of bed because I know I've been cooped up. We got snow. We had big snow. I did push ups
Kyle: this morning. Yeah, me too. ~Like, ~
Lucas: ~you know, ~I did. Although
Kyle: I still have to leave my room until I've done at least fifty.
Lucas: absolutely. ~So, you know, ~I rolled out of bed and did my push ups too because I've still got to be fair. I'm still cutting. Yeah. ~Right? ~I'm still Like, my life doesn't stop just because it snows outside. ~Like, I mean, you know, ~boo hoo, right?
Kyle: Now, let's not. And ~there's, ~there's tips and tricks. There's ways you can ~kind of ~get yourself to that.
If you're trying to do, like, all or nothing. If you try to do, if you say you're going to do 500 push ups a day, and you don't do any in a day. You. Yeah. You're gonna quit. Yeah. ~Like, ~yeah. Your goal overwhelming, your [00:33:00] goal has to become achievable. Yeah. But at the same time, if you're that kind of person, if you're the kind of person where you're like, ~you know, ~I'm gonna do five person today, it doesn't even, doesn't matter.
You can probably go for a little bit
~mm-hmm ~.
But your body's gonna get out of me. Yes. And so ~if, ~if that, it is a snowball effect, you have to start little by little. And you start off with a little thing like it's snowing outside. So it's a perfect example. You start off with a little thing like this, like that big.
And you start rolling it in the snow. And ~you see, ~you see the progress. The snowball's getting bigger. How big do you want your snowball to be? Do you want to, do you want it to just stay a little, maybe get a little bit bigger like that? ~Maybe, ~maybe it could be a little bit bigger. Maybe you're just doing maybe your snowball is just a little bit bigger than the person next to you.
Maybe their snowman is just pretty average size or do you want to keep going? Do you want your snowman to be the biggest snowman on the freaking lot? And I'm only giving this example because we got our first snow day [00:34:00] today here in Nashville.
Lucas: Oh, I had one. ~I mean, ~I had one last week. Yeah, I'm used to, ~I had, ~I had a couple of days of no snow when I moved down here and then I was back again.
I'm like, ah,
Kyle: yeah, here we are. But so many people separate, they settle for average and ~it's ~It's an unfortunate thing because if you're always going to sell it for average, you can't expect good things of yourself. ~You can't expect,~ don't expect anybody else to think of you as any more than you prove yourself to be.
~If you, ~
Lucas: if you want people perception to change, but I used to be, I used to want this. Quote that. Quote that. That's a good one. That's a good one. That's a good, that's a good, that's a good line. ~When I was ~When I was in middle school, or early high school too, it was in between that 7th and 9th grade years.
Yeah. ~Um, ~I didn't like the perception about me. And, because I, ~you know, ~people don't take me seriously, right? ~Right. You know, ~and kids will be kids, ~you know, ~everyone gets You know, everyone's bullied at some point in their lives and honestly, I think to an extent they maybe should You talked about that.
Everybody says. Oh, no, you're good. You're perfect. [00:35:00] What it doesn't cause any growth Yeah, I grew because of this and now there's limits, ~you know, don't ~don't ~like ~make somebody You know, do something they shouldn't be doing. ~Right. ~But, ~you know, a little, ~a little poking, a little prod maybe, ~you know, ~a little accountability that you shouldn't, ~you know, ~that's weird, don't, like, why, like, why are you doing that?
Yeah. And ~there's, ~there's so many different intricacies and exceptions about situations ~to, ~to that. Anyway, ~you know, ~kids picking on me, whatever, ~I'm,~ I was a weird kid, still am, ~a little, ~a little goofy, still am.
Kyle: You're a good boy.
Lucas: Yeah, absolutely. ~Well, there's, ~there's,~ uh,~ There's a certain level to that.
~Well, ~
Kyle: exactly, and, ~you know, ~you gotta be able to enjoy life. ~You know, ~work hard but also enjoy life. ~You can't, ~you can't go through life with the mind, I'm just gonna be a little stickler about everything. It's good to take everything super seriously and not be Mr. Grumpy all day with Mr. No Fun. No, ~I mean, ~be serious about what you're gonna do, but also, have fun.
~Right. ~
Lucas: But, when I was little, ~I was, you know, ~I was extra. ~Like, ~I'll think back to when I was little, and I'll be like, wow, did I just do that? ~Wow, wow, wow,~ what was going through my head? ~Right, ~it's things like that. And, ~you know, ~I talked to my dad about it one day at school, and I'm like, Dad, I want,~ like,~ I don't like the way that I'm [00:36:00] perceived.
~I don't like,~ I don't like the way the kids treat me or think about me. And he goes, okay, ~well. ~And I told him, I was like, I've been trying to change it, but the perception isn't changing. And he goes,~ well,~ it's not going to change immediately. It's not going to change in a couple weeks. ~You know, ~it's probably not going to change this year.
~Like, it's going to,~ it'll change, By the time you start to get out of high school and at the time I'm beginning high school in the middle school And I'm like, that's a long, ~you know, ~that's a long time away, you know ~for ~for me then ~now ~Now i'm like, oh that's a flash. ~But you know, ~then i'm like, so I gotta what you mean?
I gotta wait three to four years For this perception to be a change that's ~like well, ~yeah, ~I mean, ~it's not You know, maybe not quite that long, ~you know, ~it just depends on, ~you know, ~who you're around ~and, and, ~and, ~you know, ~who you're around more. And obviously, if you don't see somebody as much, their perception of you is going to, ~you know, ~it's going to take a longer time to change.
People remember you as you were. Like, I know people, I haven't seen people since I graduated a year and a half ago, and ~I've changed, ~I've changed since then, right? But if I were to go see the people now, they're not going to see me as I am now, they're going to see me as I was a year and a half ago. Yeah.
Because that's the last, that, ~you know, ~that's the last impression. ~Right. So, you know, ~if you're around someone every day, they're going to, ~you know, ~more, they're going to see it a little bit more. ~Like, ~my girlfriend is going to [00:37:00] see, ~you know, ~you're going to see it a lot more than even my parents will now, just because I'm not, I'm around you guys more than I'm with my parents now.
And it's that and ~so, you know, ~I showed up to school every day. I kept changing. I kept growing. I kept improving ~You know, you know ~mess up be goofy sometimes said some things I should have said but~ You know, ~by the time I graduated, my last two years of high school, I was one of the most well liked kids ~in my, in my, in my, ~in my school, my class, and ~you know, ~who knows, maybe they see this and be like, no, we hate you, screw you.
But my perception, ~I made some, ~I made some good friends. I had a lot more friends. Yeah. My last two years of high school,~ uh, you know, ~almost ~kind of ~three, it was a tough three because COVID hit us, right? But remember my junior senior years of high school, ~you know, those are ~those are good Those are better times just because hey, I developed a change people saw that the people want to hang out with me ~You know~ people didn't see me just as ~you know, ~weird kid that you know, why just ruin the mood I was ~You know, ~I don't want to use the word more normal but I was ~I grew and~ I grew into be ~a better ~a better person that people could get behind [00:38:00] and people could respect and that people could appreciate You Despite whatever quirks I may have.
~Right. Uh, that,~ that constant,~ like,~ if you want people's perception of you to change, it's you that changes, not them. It's you that, that does work, and not them. People want their lives to change, but they don't want to do what they need to do to make that happen. ~Uh, ~and that, That's tough, man. And that's, it's sad for me to see because I'm a very growth minded person.
And so when I see people that, ~you know, ~they have, everybody wants to be rich, right? Everybody wants to be financially free. Everybody wants to be successful. But, ~you know, ~I see these guys that Don't have the mindset or don't have the work ethic to do it, I'm like, man,~ like,~ it breaks my heart and ~like, ~it used to make me mad and now it just breaks my heart.
Cause I'm just like, dude, I want you to succeed too. I do. I'm a guy that wants you to succeed. But if you don't do what you need to do, if you're not willing to do the work to do it, it doesn't make me mad anymore, it just makes me sad. Cause I know you want something and you will never achieve it. As long as you stay like that.
~Well, ~
Kyle: they won't deserve it.
Lucas: [00:39:00] They won't, yeah, they
deserve it.
Kyle: Straight up, they don't deserve it. ~No, you don't deserve what you work hard for. Yeah. I'll go, I'll go a little further into that, if you don't mind. Yeah, yeah. ~You only deserve what you work for.
Lucas: That's an interesting, that's an interesting,
Kyle: I'm talking straight up, ~Only of~ only in this world.
Lucas: Yeah. ~That, that's a, ~that's a worldly mindset.
Kyle: I want to keep, it's a very worldly mindset. Wanna keep that? Yes. Keep that in view. Yeah. So ~I, ~I'm going to acknowledge that this is a very worldly mindset. This is a very, here's how the world works. ~Mm-hmm . And that's, ~and that's still a proverbs.
Lucas: ~Like, I mean, that's still, ~that's still referenced in scripture, but
Kyle: proverb, yeah.
King Solomon, he even says. You don't deserve what you don't work for. Yeah. He says it in a different way than I do.
Lucas: Yeah, he said it.
Kyle: It's a very double principle.
~Mm hmm. ~
Kyle: And if you're not willing to put in the work to get it, then you don't deserve the end result. ~Everyone wants the same,~ everyone wants the same end result.
~Mm hmm. ~Everybody wants, ~you know, ~the big house, the nice car,~ the,~ the beautiful wife, the,~ uh, many, ~many kids. Everyone wants to have the nice strong body that people love to look at and maybe go like six pack.
~Um, ~but ~no one's, ~no one's going to put in the work ~to, ~to get it. ~And so any.~ That goes in the whole,~ the whole~ discussion about value, ~you know, ~and we can just ~kind of ~[00:40:00] gloss over this, ~anything that is of value is not, is not horrible. Anything that is of value is not. Anything is not, excuse me, let me rephrase all this.~
~Anything that is worth of any value is not easy to achieve. There you go. Yeah, but I say, uh, yeah, there you go.~ Anything that is worth value, anything that is of value does not come by easily. If it did, it wouldn't be valuable. ~The people,~ the reason why ~that~ people love Lamborghinis and Ferraris and Bugattis so much is that those are not cars that everybody has.
Those are not cars that the average person has. Everyone has a Nissan. Everybody has a Honda. Everybody has a little Toyota, no one's impressed by those cars, ~especially not Subaru. If you, if you drive a Subaru, um, I can tell you that June is probably your favorite month. There we go. I'm trying to keep it as PG as I can, at least.~
~When the camera's cut off, that'll be a different story.~
~But, uh,~ but that's why everybody, nobody cares about all these cars that you see everyone else driving, but everyone loves the Lamborghinis, the Ferraris, the Bugattis, the Koenigseggs, I'm a big car guy but I like Koenigsegg, all that. Because those are cars that do not come by easily, especially with Bugatti, you have to be invited to have a car.
You can't just go and buy a Bugatti Chiron, you have to be allowed by the Bugatti company to have one of those. ~You know, ~you can't have a [00:41:00] Ford, what's it called? The Ford GT, I don't know if you know what that is. ~Um, uh, ~back in the late sixties, the LeMans 24 hour,~ uh,~ race when Ford used the Ford GT that they specially designed for this race and they beat Ferrari.
First time in far the beat years. That particular car, which they only made so much of, you have to put on a waiting list, like you have to apply to be able to have a car, even if you have that kind of money. Nothing of value comes easily. You have to work for it. You have to earn it. You have to prove it.
That you are worthy of having it.
And that works, that comes full circle back to what are you doing in your own life? So first prove to yourself that you are worthy of these things. And when you prove that to yourself, you will then be able to prove that to everybody else. There you go. Put your mask on yourself first before you can help other people with their masks.
Yeah. ~Take the, ~take the plank out of your own eye first before [00:42:00] you can get the speck out of everybody else's.
Lucas: Absolutely. ~I can't.~
Kyle: Pick yourself back up before you can help other people with their masks.
Lucas: Absolutely. ~My,~ my main mission in life to, why I do this podcast is to spread the gospel and hopefully help people, ~you know, ~I want to be a mediator that Jesus can work bigger to bring people to heaven.
Yeah. That's what I want. ~I want, ~I want to bring people to heaven with me. As I can I can't do that unless how can I do that? If i'm not a believer and a firm solid believer christian myself. Yeah, ~like ~yeah, ~i'm like you're not I'm, no. No, ~you're not going to find some guy that doesn't believe in jesus You're not going to convince you to be a christ follower.
It just doesn't work like that ~So, ~yeah, ~you be, you be, ~you be that, so ~you be, ~you be who you want to be and you inspire people. ~So, ~Kobe Bryant, the late great Kobe Bryant, my favorite athlete of all time. Yeah. He says to, I know we gotta wrap it up here soon, but,~ uh,~ he says, He defined greatness as the ability to inspire the person next to you.
Could Kobe have done that without being,~ well,~ Kobe. ~Right. You know, ~he's now, I think he's now fourth on the all time scoring list. Five time NBA champion. ~Uh, you know, he's had a three,~ he had a three peat track, back to [00:43:00] back, and 0 9 10, right? That kind of thing. He couldn't,~ like,~ I'm inspired by Kobe. I've been for a couple years now.
~Um, ~I didn't know nothing about basketball back in the day when he was playing, didn't really pay attention, whatever, ~I regret that. But, well, I can regret some of that, you know, when you're a kid. Whatever, it wasn't, yeah, not important.~ But,~ like,~ Kobe, ~you know, ~I was inspired by Kobe. I wouldn't have been able to be inspired by Kobe if Kobe wasn't Kobe and wasn't who he was and did the things that he did.
Did the things he did because he was who he was. So it was who Kobe was that inspired me. So ~it's, ~it's not so much, I think this is a really cool concept, really cool thing to remember about. You talk about all these accomplishments, 500 push ups. ~Uh, you know, ~the things we're working for, whatever. It's not so much about, hey, I did this.
It's about,~ like,~ was it more about who you became, who you grew into, what you proved to yourself that you were. Yes. You talk about, hey,~ like,~ I did this, and ~now, ~now I am, like, I live up to my word. ~Right. ~I accomplished this. It wasn't so much about the accomplishment itself, but what you became, and who you were, and who you proved yourself to be.
Yeah. And ~so, ~what We've talked [00:44:00] about a lot, ~we've touched, you know, a lot of that, a lot~ about the, ~you know, ~the mask thing with the airplane and taking care of yourself, but you take care of others, which is what we're supposed to do, right? What's the biggest takeaway that you want people to know that we talked about today?
What's number one?
Kyle: That's a really good question.
Lucas: I know, we talk about it a lot.
Kyle: That's a really good question. We took almost the full hour. The number one takeaway
is, ~this is, ~this is provoking a lot of thought for me, I would say that the number one takeaway is that if you truly cared about the goals that you set, you wouldn't wait to get going on that. You wouldn't wait to start now. ~Like, ~you can start now. ~I know I've, ~I've heard so many people even say ~like, ~Oh, my new year's resolution.
I didn't hold up to it. So ~I'll start, ~I'll start back up again next month or I'll start back up again, maybe the summer I'll start back up again next year. And they never do. If you truly care, you would start today. Okay. [00:45:00] No. And. And I'm going to say this from a very worldly mindset, from a very worldly point of view.
That no one's coming ~to, I'll say no one's coming ~to save you, you need to do it yourself. Because if you don't do it yourself, no one's going to do it for you.
Lucas: No one's going to do it for you, but people will help you.
Kyle: Yeah, people will help you.
Lucas: But it has to be yours.
Kyle: But you have to do it yourself.
Because no one else is going to do it for you. And no one else cares enough to do it for you. No one else cares enough to even help you unless you prove to, ~first off, to them~ that you are worthy of their help. Now, we can go into the whole talk about spirituality and how, as Christians, we are to help those in need regardless of whether or not they deserve it.
Because that's what Jesus first did for us. But when we're talking about mindset. We're talking a expect help ~from ~from any to be the ones to pull ou come out and help us
thro But that doesn't mean that we let our guard down and ~Uh, ~become lazy.
Lucas: And I still [00:46:00] think spiritually we,~ well,~ spiritually we still have to set ourselves first.
Kyle: Exactly.
Lucas: If we're going to help some people properly.
Kyle: Yes. And so that's my biggest takeaway is that ~if you truly care,~ if you truly care, you wouldn't wait. You would start today.
The second takeaway I will go is that as a man, if you cannot stick true to your word, nothing else matters. If you cannot stick true to what you're going to say and follow through with it, Not half donkey it, ~not half,~ not do it halfway, not do it in a very sloppy way, but you do it ~a hundred percent, ~a hundred percent of the time, a hundred percent of the way, and you do that not just for yourself, but for everybody else.
You have proven yourself. That's a pretty bad aspect of being a man. You have proven yourself to be a man If you cannot hold true to your word nothing else matters if you cannot do what you say you're going to do if People are reliant and specialists that people are reliant on you to do [00:47:00] what you say You're going to do and you don't do it.
There is no point in trying to Gain any kind of respect in any other aspect you haven't lost it stick true to your work Stick true to what you're going to do and do it all the way do it with your best effort, ~even if it's not even ~Even if you do lose If you can look back and say, I gave it my all,
Lucas: that's what matters.
Yep, yep. ~That's a, ~that's a very important,~ that's, that's, ~that's one of my biggest things right there. And I wish we had time to get more into that. Yeah. But I know we're cutting it short, Kyle. I enjoyed it, man. I really,~ I,~ I love all of our conversations.
Kyle: Yeah. ~I, ~I love something about this. ~We'll, ~we'll go ahead and we'll set something up another time.
Lucas: Yeah, absolutely. We gotta do it again soon.
Yeah, absolutely. ~You know, ~we'll, ~you know, we'll, we'll, ~we'll talk a lot more about when we'll next have you on. We'll definitely have him on,~ uh,~ again soon. I hope you guys enjoyed this conversation. I hope you enjoyed it with Kyle. I certainly did. I certainly always do.
Kyle: And I do want to end it off on a really,~ uh,~ brighter note. I know this has been a very pessimistic way of saying everything. [00:48:00] It's been
Lucas: a real conversation.
Kyle: ~Uh, ~yeah, ~it's been, ~it's been very pessimistic, ~you know, ~and you can't do this all, because that's just how,~ that's,~ that's my line of thinking. But to end it off on a brighter note for anyone who doesn't, Maybe share that exact same mentality that you and I maybe have is you can do it But you just need to do it.
Yeah, absolutely ~like ~there's nothing that's stopping you from doing it except yourself. You're no worst enemy Yeah, if you can prove yourself that you can do it then nothing's going to stop you. You can do anything Yeah, and ~I know ~I know it's very cliche. You can do anything you want to do.
Lucas: No, it's fundamental belief.
Kyle: Yeah,
Lucas: that's why it's cliche
Kyle: Yeah, because ~it's ~it's ~very ~very true. There's a lot of truth in it. There's so much truth in that If you truly set your mind to it and ~you say, excuse me,~ if you do what you're say you gonna do, you can do it. Yeah, you can do it. There's nothing that's stopping you except yourself.
It's all in here. It's all mental. It is all mental. If you can beat that mental game, you're good. Absolutely.
Lucas: Once again, I appreciate you.
Kyle: Alright man.
Lucas: ~I appreciate you . Doing handshake now. There we go. Yeah. I appreciate you having you.~ I [00:49:00] appreciate having you on here, man. ~I, ~I really love it. I hope you guys love it too.
And ~we'll have ~we'll have them on again soon. ~Um, ~next week. I don't know what we're going to do next week, but i'll be I might have another guest. I might do a series of guests I know i've had a couple other friends that reached out to me too. And again, I like these dudes and that's probably my friends ~Um, ~and we'll have some amazing theological conversations we'll have to you know talks about life like we did today and ~uh, ~You know being a man of your word and stuff like that.
So You ~Uh, ~tune in next week. We'll see. I'll keep you updated about who we have next week. ~Uh, ~I'm really excited about it. Yeah, man, it's,~ uh,~ it's a good time on here, ~so Well, um, dang it, . You're all good. It's a good, it's a good thing I can edit this. Yeah, right. Uh, ~but for now, guys, have a good week. Have a good day, and I hope to see you guys again next week on the Living For His Glory podcast.
Thank you.
Thank you for listening to another episode of the Living for His Glory podcast. I hope you gained some terrific insights and knowledge about what it means to live for God's glory and more about His character. If you enjoyed this video, please make sure to press the like [00:50:00] button and subscribe if you want to continue watching and hear more about God and how we can live for His glory.
Have a great day, my friends, and I'll see you next time.